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Is STM32F030 discontinued / EOL ? Hello MCU from the STM32F030 group of controllers are out of stock at all major distributors. Lead time are excissive. Are these microcontrollers phased out? Best Regards Norman

Antoine Odonne
ST Employee

Hello, indeed the market dynamics and increased demand overall on semiconductors may be reflected on leadtimes, but we can confirm that STM32F0 is not to be EOL. It is committed for many years still, as you can see in the product longevity webpage (upated every January):

Ok, but this really doesn't address the availability concerns expressed by numerous posters.

If you're not accepting orders, or lead times are 26+ weeks, and there's no free stock, aren't we realistically looking at 2021Q3/Q4 for resolution in the customer's time frame? What they are looking for is the ability to make decisions about if it is quicker to redesign with alternate parts.

Small customers are likely to be most affected due to pricing in the spot market, and potentially more nibble in making changes if they are given honest answers.

Pretty sure the 66K parts have physical orders against them0693W000006HShHQAW.jpg 

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Exactly. The question is whether to redesign or not.

Additionally I don't see these units in new designs

as it is currently even impossible to get parts in prototyping


Unfortunately for the low pin count devices the pin-for-pin and pin escape options are generally unhelpful across STM32 families.

The F0 is relatively old, using some small L0 and L4 parts in current designs, but Maxim has some smaller CM4 devices with larger memory.

I did find some reasonably large inventory of L1 parts the other day, but without knowing some constraining factors it is hard to make specific recommendations.

If you are nimble I'd seriously consider respins, if you have board space add dual foot-prints so you can use alternate BOM parts

10-years of availability isn't going to matter if businesses can't make it through this year.

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Brian Kling
Senior III

Hi @nwern.1​ please submit a Support Request for your question: