2014-11-02 4:52 AM
STM32F429V has 100 pins and support RGB565. In order to support TFT LCD, more memory is needed. Does it need to add external SDRAM? 429 has 256k internal RAM. Is it enough to support TFT?
Actually, the application UI is small and only 7 pages. Can I not add SDRAM in the schematic? #!rocketscience2014-11-02 5:26 AM
The amount of memory will depend on the resolution, now wouldn't it?
2014-11-02 5:44 AM
The resolution is 800x480. Do you know how to calculate the amount of memory?
Thanks.2014-11-02 6:22 AM
The resolution is 800x480. Do you know how to calculate the amount of memory?
Ok, some some basic math here 16-bit colour depth, 2 bytes per pixel 2 x 800 x 480 = 768000 bytes The 256 KB is broken into 192KB and 64KB (CCM). The CCM can't support DMA
2014-11-02 8:42 PM
Thanks Clive. You are so nice.
2014-11-03 12:15 AM
The stm32F429 discovery board has a suitable SDRAM for this.
Look at the discovery board drawing. This was my first prototype... Johanan ________________ Attachments : 2014-07-27_16.56.49.jpg : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I17K&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bia%2FuhdDLcUqj2M9mcYw2qwpvVzJ_uTzUPmDiBy2nqzNwhU&asPdf=false2014-11-03 8:52 AM
The stm32F429 discovery board has a suitable SDRAM for this.
I think he's tried that, and looking to achieve some conflicting requirements in a low pin count device. Generally trying to achieve small size and high functionality tends to require more exotic parts and board techniques, and these tend to drive the costs higher.2014-11-03 8:55 AM
Thanks Clive. You are so nice.
Sorry for the tone, it gets frustrating at times.