2020-11-10 2:43 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm working with the MCU STM32F303 and the Reference manual says the following:
So I'wondering if it would be possible to manage both interrupts separately with CAN_IT block. Currently with the block it seems that it's only possible to generate one interrupt associated with any receiving message at any mailbox.
Best regards,
2020-11-10 5:43 AM
Hi @Rubén Gálvez
Yes, it's only possible to generate one interrupt associated with any receiving message at any mailbox/by FIFO. ie. one interrupt for FIFO 0, one interrupt for FIFO 1.
But it can be managed at application level.
2020-11-10 7:09 AM
Hi @Bouraoui Chemli
Thanks for your quick answer! Any suggest about managging at app level each FIFO's reading separatedly or finding which mailbox generated the interrupt?
I've got further questions:
I've search on Reference manual of my MCU but I haven't clarified all these doubts consistenly. Mainly because I don't know how HAL libraries are used by the block's generated code exactly.
2020-11-10 8:08 AM
Hi @Rubén Gálvez
You can refer to CAN example available with STM32F3 firmware: STM32Cube_FW_F3_V1.11.0\Projects\STM32303C_EVAL\Examples\CAN