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is it possibe to modify external loader (QSPI) to change pins ?

Senior III

I fount this page, ready to go


I do have STM32H743BIT6 and MT25QL128

the pins are different, I wonder if it can be opened in something and change pins.


Pavel A.
Evangelist III

You can ask the author to kindly do this for you


Like a hex or file editor? Sure or you could patch it.

Would perhaps be easier to email with the pin list..

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I do not know what you mean by mailing. I doubt that hex editor is going to show me the PINs unless I know how the PINs are coded. Or maybe you can see PB2-PB6-PD11-PD12-PE2-PD13 and just change. I did not try.

I tried to write my own loader something did not work. Probably something simple somewhere. There are bunch of youtube videos showing how to do it with with CubeMX IDE


May be I should do more work, and make videos..

Ok, from two slightly different forks.


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Thanks I appreciate. When I designed the board I did not have in mind to use QSPI as loader this is why I did not pay attention to the PINs. But once I got this board working some new ideas came to mind.

I will try it later to see if I can load some more graphics.

Keil .FLM for the aforementioned platform


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The flash is working I checked by writing and reading data but not the external loader.






Have you tried to ping paypal and demand to unlock your account?


That's more of a Scatter File (Keil's Linker Script) issue about where different code/data sections are going to live.

Want your main code/data living in Internal Flash (0x08000000) and your "extdata" stuff living in External Flash (0x90000000)

Routing via name, object, or #pragma or __attribute__(section()) type directives.

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