2016-12-28 10:30 PM
I'm newbie in the Bluetooth business, I purchased theSTM32L476RG Nucleo+Nucleo BLE expensionboard (X-Nucleo-IDB05A1withSPBTLE-RF module) .
Then I installed the
IAR 7.5 workbench
,copy the X-Cube-BLE1directories including the samples code - and everything works like a charm !!!As we would like to enhance ourexisting old project (based onSTM32F101CBT6andIAR5.4 workbench) with new Bluetooth BLE capabilities,
Please advise,if the samples code from the new Bluetooth BLE project (X-Cube-BLE1) can be integrated into existing old project which use the following environment, based on
IAR5.4 workbench
If NO, please advise,how can we overcome this obstacle.
Thanks In Advance,
Micha Valach
#st-bluetooth Note: this post was migrated and contained many threaded conversations, some content may be missing.2017-10-06 5:10 AM
Sorry I havae to come back again.....
There were some changes on my board and BT_IRQ is defined as PF6 (previously it was PE1). So I changed the following#define BNRG_SPI_EXTI_IRQn EXTI9_5_IRQn
#define BNRG_SPI_EXTI_IRQHandler EXTI9_5_IRQHandlerBut now from android device it connects but after a while it disconnect saying error : 'Peripheral Disconnected!'
I think the SPI comuncation has no problem. But somehow it is getting disconected.
2017-10-06 9:26 AM
Please try enabling the debugging option for SPI by uncommenting the ♯ define PRINT_CSV_FORMAT line in 'Middlewares\ST\STM32_BlueNRG\SimpleBlueNRG_HCI\includes\debug.h' file. After you enable this option, you will see the log of the low level SPI commands and events being exchanged between your STM32 and the BlueNRG-MS chip. For example, if you are using IAR EWARM, you can see the output messages by using the View -> Terminal I/O option from the menu while you're code is being executed by the tool via ST-Link. Assuming that the SPI communication is working properly, from that log it will be easier to understand what's going on.