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Input capture without HAL with nucleo STM32g474RE



I would like to measure the period of a square wave (around 1 kHz) with a timer in input capture configuration. I am using TIM5_CH3 on pin PA2 (nucleo G474RE).

I would like to receive a bit of help in debugging my code since i am not able to measure the period of an external waveform (also tracked on my oscilloscopes).

void TIM5_Init_ToMeasurePeriod (void){
	 // Enable the GPIOA Clock
	 RCC-> AHB2ENR |= (1<<0); // Enable the GPIOA clock writing 1 in bit 0
	 // Configure the GPIO
	 GPIOA -> MODER |= (1<<5); // Port PA2 configured as alternate function
	 GPIOA -> AFR[0] |= (1<<9); // Set alternate Function 2 i.e. TIM5_CH3 for PA2 
	 // Enable the timer clock
	 RCC->APB1ENR1 |= (1<<3); // Enable the tim5 clock writing 1 in bit 3
	 // Set the timer timebase
	 TIM5 -> PSC = 1; // 80 MHz/2= 40MHz clock --> 0.025 us count set the resolution (1ms=40000 counts)
	 TIM5-> ARR = 0xFFFF; 
	 TIM5 -> CCMR2 |= (1<<0); // CC3 channel configured as input and tim_ic3 is mapped on tim_ti3
	 TIM5 -> CCMR2 |= (1<<5); // Input capture filter set to N=4. 4 consecutive samples with the new level are required (to avoid noise during the toggling)
	 TIM5-> TISEL |= (0<<16); // TIM5_ch3 is the input of the timer
	  TIM5->CCER |= (1<<8)|(0<<0)|(0<<0); // Enable capture from the counter into the capture register
	 //TIM5->DIER |= (1<<3); // interupt enable for channel 3 not used now
	 // start the timer
	 TIM5 -> CR1|= TIM_CR1_CEN;
	 /* Clear the Capture event flag for channel 1 */
	 //TIM5->SR = ~TIM_SR_CC3IF;
uint32_t Period;
int main(void)
while (!(TIM5->SR & TIM_SR_CC3IF)){}
    	 /* An active edge was detected, so store the timestamp */
    	 period = TIM5 -> CCR3; // store the CCR register in 0.025 us counts

Thanks a lot



Accepted Solutions

GPIOA->MODER6 = 0xabfff7bf => for PA6 the MODER field is 0b11 - note that GPIOx_MODER in 'G4 is not zero after reset.


View solution in original post

Principal III

On that Nucleo board PA2 is also connected to VCP_RX, may that interferes. If you don't want HAL, you may generate low level (LL) code in STM32CubeIDE and compare to yours. LL is close to register level.




HI @KnarfB​ 

My goal is to use the register based approach to mesure the period of an incoming square wave.

and basically I followed this paragraph in AN4776

0693W00000Nq7FnQAJ.pngAs you pointed out the PA2 might interfere with STlink in nucleo g474re so I moved to PA6 (TIM3_ch1) but at the end things are not working because CCR1 keeps staying at 0. I have plugged to PA6 a squarewave with suitable voltage levels (0-3v3 at 1 kHZ).

this is my code now

void TIM3_Init_ToMeasurePeriod (void){
	 // configure PA6 pin to TIM3_CH1 with alternate function AF to measureperiod
	 // Enable the GPIOA Clock
	 RCC-> AHB2ENR |= (1<<0); // Enable the GPIOA clock writing 1 in bit 0
	 // Configure the GPIO
	 GPIOA -> MODER |= (1<<13); // Port PA6 configured as alternate function
	 GPIOA -> AFR[0] |= (1<<25); // Set alternate Function 2 i.e. TIM3_CH1 for PA6 
	 // Enable the timer clock
	 RCC->APB1ENR1 |= (1<<1); // Enable the tim3 clock writing 1 in bit 1
	 // Set the timer timebase
	 TIM3 -> PSC = 1; 
	 TIM3-> ARR = 0xFFFF; // it should set the lowest measurable framerate
	 TIM3 -> CCMR1 |= (1<<0); // CC1 channel configured as input 
	 //TIM3 -> CCMR1 |= (1<<5); // Input capture filter set to N=4. 4 consecutive samples with the new level are required (to avoid noise during the toggling)
	 TIM3-> TISEL |= (0<<16); 	 
	 // enable the capture compare
	 TIM3->CCER |= (1<<0); // Enable capture from the counter into the capture register
	 //TIM3->DIER |= (1<<3); // interrupt enable for channel 3
	 // start the timer
	 TIM3 -> CR1|= TIM_CR1_CEN;
uint32_t Timestamp;
int main(void)
 /* Clear the Capture event flag for channel 3 */
	 //TIM3->SR = ~TIM_SR_CC1IF;
  while (1)
	  TIM3->SR = ~TIM_SR_CC1IF;
	    while (!(TIM3->SR & TIM_SR_CC1IF));
	    /* An active edge was detected, so store the timestamp */
	   Timestamp = TIM3 -> CCR1; // store the CCR register in 0.025 us counts

Can you help me in solving this?


> I moved to PA6 (TIM3_ch1)

Check/post registers' content.

Also try this the other way round: generate PWM onto PA6 from TIM3_CH1, and measure it.



HI @Community member​ 

These are the registers settings while I am doing input capture on PA6/Tim3_Ch1 with the code I shared in my last post


Ok I will try also to generate a pwm with this timer. I will let you know as soon as I do it

Thanks a lot

GPIOA->MODER6 = 0xabfff7bf => for PA6 the MODER field is 0b11 - note that GPIOx_MODER in 'G4 is not zero after reset.



HI @Community member​ 


Indeed the point is that the reset value is : 0xABFF FFFF (for port A)

However, there is a weird issue coming out when writing the MODER register...

If I write

GPIOA -> MODER |= (1<<13)|(0<<12);

It does not change the register content of mode6

On the contrary if I write

GPIOA -> MODER = 0xabffefff;

It changes the register content of mode6

Have you ever experienced something like this?

The "or" operator can only make a 0 to a 1. You need to mask out bits and set the new value like

GPIOA -> MODER = (GPIOA -> MODER & ~(3<<12)) | (2<<12);




Ok thank @KnarfB​ 

I got it.

With the previous mentioned TIM3_Init_ToMeasurePeriod function I can see the CCR1 register updating.

Now, how can I properly compute the period of the external PWM?

I check the CC1F flag with a bitwise & operator and then tried to compute the difference between the last two captured values.

This is the code that I put inside the main loop and that was supposed to measure the period. However the variables keeps at zero.

Is this "TIM3->SR & 0x00000002" correct to check the flag? Since I am using CC1 I checked the first bit but maybe I am doing some mess with the operator

while (1)
	   if ( TIM3->SR & 0x00000002 )
		   ICValue = TIM3 -> CCR1;
		   Period= ICValue-ICValue_old; // us count
		   TIM3->SR = ~TIM_SR_CC1IF;

> Is this "TIM3->SR & 0x00000002" correct to check the flag?

Yes, although I'd write

if (TIM3->SR & TIM_SR_CC1IF) {}

you use the TIM_SR_CC1IF symbol anyway.

If you don't "consume" the Period variable's value, compiler/optimizer may keep it in register, or optimize it out entirely. You prevent it by qualifying the Period variable as volatile.