2016-09-14 12:59 AM
I have something unclear about the DMA.
From the datasheet(
). It says,
Once half of the bytes are transferred, the half-transfer flag (HTIF) is set and an interrupt is generated if the Half-Transfer Interrupt Enable bit (HTIE) is set.
It is obvious that if I set
to 48 and than enable the DMA channel half-transfer flag will be set when
But what if I set
to an odd number like 15, when does the half-transfer interrupt is triggered? When
becomes 7? or when it becomes 8?
#!stm32 #!dma2016-09-15 10:29 AM
Hi lee.seungwon,
It is mentiooned in reference manual:
Once half the data have been transferred on the AHB destination port, the half-transfer flag (HTIF) is set and an interrupt is generated..''So, in case of X data to be transferrred , after X/2 transfer complete the HT is set . In case of odd number like 15 , HT is set after the 7 th has been transferred.
2016-09-15 6:26 PM
Hi Hannibal,
Thank you for your interest in my post.