2012-05-16 6:12 AM
The Cortex M3 have the �ID Unique device ID register (96 bits) �, this number give to the user application technical information about the Cortex M3 mounted in the PCB ?.
Extract from the datasheet RM008 revision 14
The unique device identifier is ideally suited:
for use as serial numbers (for example USB string serial numbers or other end
for use as security keys in order to increase the security of code in Flash memory while
using and combining this unique ID with software cryptographic primitives and
protocols before programming the internal Flash memory
to activate secure boot processes, etc.
The 96-bit unique device identifier provides a reference number which is unique for any
device and in any context. These bits can never be altered by the user.
The 96-bit unique device identifier can also be read in single bytes/half-words/words in
different ways and then be concatenated using a custom algorithm
Base address: 0x1FFF F7E8
It�s possible to know more information about this number ? ST give this information ? For our application we would like to know more information about the Cortex M3 in run time.
#id-unique-device-id-register-(962012-05-16 6:21 AM
It is a unique number per MCU device. All MCUs will have a seperate number.
For your application you need to know the device type ? How about using another register ''Flash size'' Base address: 0x1FFF 7A10 ?2012-05-16 6:40 AM
Thanks four you response.
This information we use now, but we need more information like family device, type of Cortex ,2012-05-16 6:56 AM
I guess, this facility is provided by ARM core.
The device ID can be read from address 0xE004 2000.2012-05-16 7:10 AM
The unique number is specific to ST, want answers from them you'll need to inquire through your local representative, or FAE.
ARM publishes technical reference manuals for their cores, start by digesting those. Your code needs to be compiled for a specific chip/architecture, based on the core, memory, and peripherals. If you have to figure out what you're running on you have serious design control issues. The unique number is not a MAC address, and should not be used as one. Several STM32 parts are sold with different part numbers share the same die, and may not be distinguishable via software. Like how many pins are bonded out. You might be able to look at stuck-at bits within the peripheral clock registers.