2017-03-02 5:17 AM
I would like to use I2S interrupt, So I wrote following code, But none of the call back fanction not excuted!
could you please guide me where is my problem ?
note: I can get data in a pooling way with HAL_I2SEx_TransmitReceive(&hi2s2,Txbuff,Rxbuff,2,10);
uint8_t St=HAL_I2SEx_TransmitReceive_IT(&hi2s2,Txbuff,Rxbuff,2);
void HAL_I2S_RxCpltCallback (I2S_HandleTypeDef* hi2s)
{ Debugger_Send_Data('\n***RX***\n');}void HAL_I2S_TxCpltCallback(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s)
{ Debugger_Send_Data('\n***TX***\n');}//***********************************************************
#i2s #stm32f407