2014-03-17 5:06 AM
Hi, I am using STM32F100RBT6B discovery board and I need to use I2C1 bus. I saw on datasheet that gpio PB6 and PB7 should be used for clock and data. I think to use PB8 and PB9 for the alimentation. Is it correct?
Now I see that I have to use also PB4 and PB5, but which is their function for I2C1? Thanks #i2c12014-03-17 6:33 AM
PB4 plays no role with I2C
PB5 would play a role if you were implementing an SMB bus. Other than that you could REMAP PB6/7 to PB8/92014-03-19 7:03 AM
Thanks a lot