2013-08-24 3:05 AM
I'm trying to make the STM32L152 I2C communication failure-proof against glitches/short-circuits. There's an API command I2C_SoftwareResetCmd which seems to be the cure, but i can't find any proper example or manual of how to use it. I tried this way:1. Detect timeout of any flag/event checking loop.2. SW reset enable3. Clear all I2C flags3. SW reset disable.But this doesn't have any effect.When i deliberately short-circuit SCL or SDA then they go high after short-circuit so bus seems to be ok and there shouldn't be a need for ''clocking out''. Yet, the I2C_GenerateSTART does not work after short-circuit and recovery method i use.Does anybody know the proper way (other than re-initalizing the peripheral completely) ? #stm32l152-i2c-recovery2023-07-20 1:13 AM