2018-06-16 10:11 AM
I would like to purchase the NAND flash daughter board along with the kit so that I can evaluate it.
#stm32f769i-eval #stm32f769i #stm32f7-nand2018-06-18 3:50 AM
You should perhaps call the local ST sales or distribution office. The data sheet seems to indicates it comes with a 4GB (2GBx16-bit NAND)
Secondary thread on same/similar topic
2018-06-18 4:05 AM
I could not get any response from them. There is nothing mentioned about a NAND flash in the user manual.Pl. see
The other post shard by you is also by me.
2018-06-18 6:32 AM
Yes, I understood it was you, but trying to link related thread so I and other members don't have to chase them down later.
Seen several reports of lackluster support from ST India, suggest you file an 'online support request'
I don't have an STM32F769I-EVAL so can't speak to what comes with it. I know someone with a similar STM32F779I-EVAL and will inquire with them.
Using NAND flash IC is something I've tried to avoid in recent years due to the difficulty in sourcing parts in any type of long term fashion, gone through several merger/kill cycles, foot print changes and EOL issues. The eMMC route is significantly better as multiple vendors share a common interface and command specification. I personally prefer microSD cards due to the price, availability and upgrade paths, but eMMC would be something to use in high vibration or moisture environments, and where you want to conformal coat the boards, etc.
2018-06-18 6:41 AM
Thanks for your response. Yes, I raised a ticket on the website, but no response so far.
Even I prefer to use an eMMC but was not clear how to interface it to the STM32F769I. I shall continue about eMMC interface on my other post.
2018-06-18 7:08 AM
In the evaluation stages people have typically wired (soldered or jumpered) on to clam-shell socket arrangements to plug in eMMC chips
This is one example several places on-line sell test types of socket arrangements, popular at fix-it shops for smart-phone and tablets, etc.
2018-06-19 5:25 AM
Pl. have a look at this NAND flash module. I am looking for modules like these, preferably with higher capacity.
Is it possible to interface this NAND flash module to interface it to the kit STM32F769I-EVAL?
2018-06-19 7:20 AM
I would expect so, check the pin utilization against those on the memory headers CN10/CN11. The high density header aren't things I want to wire up.
The example NAND board uses an 8-bit Data Bus, and a handful of Address Bus pins, and control signals.
Consider reviewing a board it was designed to interface with
2018-06-20 4:25 PM
Conversing with someone with an STM32F779I-EVAL suggests no NAND daughter board is provided.
'2Gx16bit NAND Flash interface to connect NAND Flash module'
should this be 'Provides an interface for a NAND daughter board'?Does ST have any prebuilt modules or daughter boards?
Are they really limited to 4GB? Doesn't the NAND implement a Command/Data interface like a hard driver, could be very large but access method only a few words wide?