2022-07-26 7:05 AM
Digikey has some STM32 CPUs in stock, lets see how long that stock will last.
2022-07-26 7:15 AM
No it's just a mirage!
In my experience our "regular suspects" such as Digikey, Farnell/Newark, RS, Mouser have always had *some* stm32 in stock when I've looked. It's just that there's such a huge range of different stm32 that the chance that they have one that will fit my current pcb is vanishingly small.
It's not like you can put a OC71, BC108, 2N3904 or 2N3055 in place of most transistors, or an EF91 in most B7G sockets.
(Not RS, because I haven't been able to search only for things in stock).
2022-07-26 3:19 PM
RS continually shows stock in Octopart, and then disappoints.
We bought a bunch of L0's that showed up yesterday, next deliveries looked to be 2023
The L4's on order pushed out another six months, so late 23Q1 for those..
2022-07-27 6:25 AM
I quess I should start using those L0 series chips. Anything else is waste of time. Some chips suddenly apper to be in stock, then they vanish, and never come back. Next time/year/month some other random chip appears. I can not have designs for every chip ST has.