2016-09-02 8:03 AM
I have STM32F439 and source code.
This source code is built in yotta environment.I am used to the environment of the IAR.Therefore, I want to convert the yotta of the environment to the IAR environment.Conversion command from yotta environment to Eclipse environment is found in the following.http://yottadocs.mbed.com/tutorial/building.htmlWhy not convert commands to the IAR environment from yotta environment ?Thank you. #iar-yotta-build2016-09-05 5:59 AM
There is no IAR target for mbed OS. So, IAR is not yet supported.Regards2016-09-06 3:23 AM
It seems that the new release of mbed OS support IAR toolchain and currently mbed CLI supports exporting to IAR.You can have a look on mbed docs for more details:https://docs.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os-handbook/en/5.1/dev_tools/cli/