2022-12-03 5:37 AM
2022-12-03 6:34 AM
In GNU/GCC as implemented via ST _write() then __io_putchar() to the UART you've created/enabled to output the data
In Keil the plumbing is slightly different, but the overall method is to sink characters and output them via a channel you opt to use.
They can go to HAL_UART_Transmit() or ITM_SendChar(), or both. Or whatever equivalent bare-metal or library you utilize.
2022-12-07 9:28 AM
If I didn't use any UART or If it's not redirected, I suppose it goes nowhere, right?
2022-12-07 9:33 AM
Or traps in a BKPT..
Some of this might be evident with some debugging, and code walking. You could look at a disassembly, perhaps .MAP symbols.
Not much to work with here, your description of the system and build tools, pretty vague.