2019-01-20 6:31 AM
2019-01-20 7:04 AM
What device specifically? The STM32 consists of hundreds of devices over a dozen families.
Typically one would use an ST-LINK, J-LINK or similar JTAG/SWD pod. Should download as part of the debug process.
Perhaps Google for some basic tutorials or videos.
2019-01-20 7:32 AM
sorry, i forget to say, i use stm32f103C8 and ST LINK for debuging, but it run into problem when i debug it. a dialog box appear and it say the device not found
btw i have connected my stm
2019-01-20 9:03 AM
I had this same problem, there a place to debug but I couldn't find how to program the board with this. After a few weeks of wasting time I fund Keil. It is very simple with Keil the is icon "load" on them main menu bar. And there is another icon to setup up the ST Link. Also Keil provides more support to explain various function. Support from STM is not good, those are good boards but it takes for ever to find a few working lines of code. Arduino gives you a lot of examples and you can program right away.
2019-01-20 10:21 AM
The external ST-LINK would expect power on Pin 1 to drive the buffers.
Keil is more polished/integrated, there is a free license for ST Cortex-M0 devices.