2016-10-22 5:58 AM
Error[Li005]: no definition for ''USB_Init'' [referenced from C:\Users\success\Desktop\Programme PFE ACCE_GYRO_USB\first _example\Debug\Obj\main.o]
Error[Li005]: no definition for ''UserToPMABufferCopy'' [referenced from C:\Users\success\Desktop\Programme PFE ACCE_GYRO_USB\first _example\Debug\Obj\main.o]
Error[Li005]: no definition for ''SetEPTxCount'' [referenced from C:\Users\success\Desktop\Programme PFE ACCE_GYRO_USB\first _example\Debug\Obj\main.o] Error[Li005]: no definition for ''L3GD20_TIMEOUT_UserCallback'' [referenced from C:\Users\success\Desktop\Programme PFE ACCE_GYRO_USB\first _example\Debug\Obj\stm32f3_discovery_l3gd20.o] Error[Li005]: no definition for ''LSM303DLHC_TIMEOUT_UserCallback'' [referenced from C:\Users\success\Desktop\Programme PFE ACCE_GYRO_USB\first _example\Debug\Obj\stm32f3_discovery_lsm303dlhc.o]2016-10-22 6:08 PM
So doesn't this that large chunks of code that the linker expects to see are missing from the project?
When you #include a file it does not provide code for the functions whose interface it defines. You *still* need to have the file in the project (source or library) that provides the code for the functions. Review the source files described in the project.