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I cannot set up Putty to work with STM32F4. I can accessing the board through st-link from IDE. But the driver doesn't show up under Ports (COM & LPT) in windows Device Manager. I manually added the driver "STLINK Virtual COM Port". Doesn't work. Help!!

Associate II

0693W00000BZvYTQA1.pngThe driver installation file is stlink-server 2.0.2. MCU is  STM32F405RG.


Ok, but what does Windows flag as the actual reason for the exclamation point? Look at the Properties..

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Windows flagged it as 'Device cannot start'. So I uninstalled the driver and reinstalled it. The issue persisted.

Is this an authentic device or a clone?

Have you tried a different cable?

Dell, Hub or Docking Station?

Current Firmware?

Does it work on other computers?

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Also reboot.

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Associate II

Authentic device. Tried a different PC and cable to no avail. Rebooted many times. Issue persisted. Direct connection without docking station or hub. The latest firmware. Thanks.