2020-07-08 10:54 PM
2020-07-09 6:17 AM
Code could be stuck in initialization of an external device somewhere that isn't yet fully powered up.
Attach a debugger and see where it's stuck. This can be done without resetting the chip.
Going to be hard to solve without giving us any details.
2020-07-09 11:01 AM
Custom board design?
Is BOOT0 pulled LOW?
Perhaps you need a better POR circuit design?
2020-07-09 9:41 PM
thank you clive1
yes it is custom board design board only
#define OB_BOOT0_FROM_OB ((uint32_t)0x0000000) /*!< BOOT0 taken from the option bit nBOOT0 */
#define OB_BOOT0_FROM_PIN ((uint32_t)FLASH_OPTR_nSWBOOT0) /*!< BOOT0 taken from PH3/BOOT0 pin */
i will chek the por circuit design
2020-07-09 9:42 PM
thank you tdk