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I am trying to run my ADC according to RM0399. In the first steps when I enable the ADC voltage regulator (ADVREGEN in ADC_CR) and check its status through the LDORDY bit in ADC_ISR register the LDORDY bit is never set. Why is that? Did I miss a step?

Associate III


Accepted Solutions
Insert a wait between enabling clock and using the peripheral like HAL does. Verify clock is enabled in register settings.
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Show your code. Are you waiting the required time before checking? Are you clearing DEEPPWD? Is the ADC clock enabled?

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Chief II

Why you are not following the section 26.4.6 of the reference manual?

Associate III

I cleared DEEPPWD first line and I enabled all the clocks I could find (should the Domain register clock be enabled or enabling the clock assiociated to a peripheral enough). As for the waiting time the datasheet says to wait around 5µs I tried 10µs but shouldn't the LDORDY bit act as the delay check?

Associate III
void ADC_Init(void) {
  /***************REGISTER SHORTCUT*********************/
  uint32_t ISR = *ADC_ISR;
  uint32_t IER = *ADC_IER;
  uint32_t CR = *ADC_CR;
  uint32_t CFGR = *ADC_CFGR;
  uint32_t CFGR2 = *ADC_CFGR2;
  uint32_t SMPR1 = *ADC_SMPR1;
  uint32_t PCSEL = *ADC_PCSEL;
  uint32_t DR = *ADC_DR;
  uint32_t DIFSEL = *ADC_DIFSEL;
  uint32_t SQR1 = *ADC_SQR1;
  uint32_t SQR2 = *ADC_SQR2;
  uint32_t SQR3 = *ADC_SQR3;
  uint32_t SQR4 = *ADC_SQR4;
  uint32_t CSR = *ADC1_CSR;
  uint32_t CCR = *ADC1_CCR;
  /***************CLOCK and PIN config******************/
  *RCC_APB4ENR|=(1 << SYSCFGEN);// Enable SYSCFG Peripheral Clock
  *RCC_AHB4ENR |= (1 << GPIOAEN); //Enable clock GPIO port A
  *GPIOA_MODER |= (3 << MODER0); //Analog mode port 0
  *SYSCFG_PMCR|=(1 << PA0SO); //Connect the PA0 to PA0_C
  *RCC_AHB1ENR |= (1 << ADC1EN); //ADC peripheral clock enable
  /***************ADC not Enabled yet********************/
  //ADC VOLTAGE REGULATOR-----------------------------
  CR = 0x00000000; //End deep power down
  *ADC_CR = CR;
  CR = (1<<ADVREGEN); //ADC voltage regulator Enabled
  *ADC_CR = CR;
  while ((*ADC_ISR & (1 << LDORDY)) == 0) {
  //delayMicroseconds(10);//wait for voltage regulator to be enabled (datasheets quote 5µs delay)
  //ADC CALIBRATION-----------------------------------
  CR &= ~(1 << ADCALDIF);
  *ADC_CR = CR;//ADCALDIF single ended inputs mode
  CR = (1 << ADCALLIN); //ADCALLIN calibration linéaire ET offset
  *ADC_CR = CR;
  *ADC_CR |= (1 << ADCAL); //calibration ADCAL=1
  while(*ADC_CR & (1 << ADCAL) != 0){}  
  //ADC prescaler selection clock and sample time delay
  CCR |= (3<<CKMODE);
  CCR |= (3<<PRESC);
  CCR |= (8<<DELAY);
  *ADC1_CCR = CCR;//
  //Set input mode------------------------------------
  DIFSEL &= ~(1 << DIFSEL1); //DIFSEL[19:0]: single ended mode for channel 1
  /*******************ADC Enable**********************/
  *ADC_ISR |= (1 << ADRDY); // Reset ADC ready flag
  *ADC_CR |= (1 << ADEN); //Enable ADC
  while (!(*ADC_ISR & (1 << ADRDY))); //Wait for ready flag
  *ADC_ISR |= (1 << ADRDY);
  /********************ADC Enabled********************/
  //ADC CFGR------------------------------------------
  CFGR |= (1 << OVRMOD); //OVRMOD = 1 DR overwritten if overrun
  CFGR |= (6 << RES); //RES[2:0]: Data resolution 110=12bits
  CFGR &= ~(3 << DMNGT); //DMNGT[1:0]: Data Management configuration 00 data stored in DR only
  CFGR |= (1 << CONT); //CONT: Single / continuous conversion mode for regular conversions
  CFGR &= ~(3 << EXTEN);//Hardware trigger detec disabled
  //*ADC_CFGR2 |= (1 << 5);//right shift for oversampling
  //ADC SQR1------------------------------------------
  SQR1 |= (1 << SQ1); //1st conv chan 1 (00001) and one conv by sequence (0000)
  *ADC_SQR1 = SQR1;
  //ADC SMPR1-----------------------------------------
  SMPR1 |= (3 << SMP1); //SMP0[2:0]: Channel 1 sampling time selection 011: 16.5 ADC clock cycles
  // ADC PCSEL----------------------------------------
  PCSEL |= (1 << PCSEL1); //PCSEL[19:0] :Channel 1 (VINP[i]) pre selection

But I am, I have read it through and through looking for a missing step ...


Where is your definition of ADC_ISR? Is it volatile?

Using standard CMSIS headers would make things a lot easier for others to read.

When you debug the code, do you see the expected value within ADC_CR while waiting for LDORDY?

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Associate III

I define all of my registers this way :

volatile uint32_t* const REG = (uint32_t*) ADDRESS_HEXA;

As for the second question weirdly enough I get a 100000000000000000000000000000 meaning DEEPPWD is still enabled (I must have made a dumb mistake somewhere)

Insert a wait between enabling clock and using the peripheral like HAL does. Verify clock is enabled in register settings.
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It works thanks a lot!