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I am receiving data from AD7768-4FMCZ but the Data is not synchronized how can synchronize the DATA ??

SA  V.1
Associate III

@Javier Muñoz​ @Community member​ 


Is there an external signal you can use for synchronization, or is it embedded in the data (header/status).

Perhaps Analog Devices has some FAE's you can discuss use-cases with?

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I am not using any External signal to synchronize.

Data(header/status are embedded ).

What is FAE's ??

Field Applications Engineer, someone designated to get design wins, support customer use cases.

The AD7768 is a part you've chosen, it's not a part I'm looking to learn how to use.

If information is embedded in the headers, process that to recover synchronization.

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Chief III

Show MCU, your receive code, speed , how you connect DRDY usw. Your question lacks all info

The OP​ has half a dozen related posts, rather than continuing the same theme/topic.

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He/She keeps DMing me and i keep telling him/her to post the questions in the public forum.

Or to hire me as a consultant.

Available for consulting/freelancing , hit me up in

@SA V.1​  it looks like youre new to this forum.


-Condense all your inquiries into a single post, specially if they are closely related.

-Answer the questions and expand the information your giving us.

Available for consulting/freelancing , hit me up in