2022-11-10 3:55 PM
2022-11-14 12:21 AM
Hello @EAbra.3 and welcome to the STM32 Community :)
I recommend you this AN4539 Application note HRTIM cookbook.
2022-11-16 4:41 PM
Thanks for your reply. I have gone through AN4539.I am using HRTIM to provide PWM signals for DC-DC converter EPC2152. Which signals of HRTIM I should use for the same? Currently, I am using HRTIM_CHA1, HRTIM_CHA2. Should I use any other signals like HRTIM_FLTX or HRTIM_EEVx for my application. What is the purpose of these signals (HRTIM_FLTX or HRTIM_EEVx)?
2022-11-16 4:48 PM
Please find the design of DC-DC converter EPC2152. As per this diagram HRTIM_CHA1 should be connected to HSIN and HRTIM_CHA2 should be connected to LSIN. Please advise me on using other HRTIMER signals.
2023-01-04 1:07 AM
I just saw that this topic regarding the EPC2152 has already been partially addressed in another thread.