2013-05-30 3:28 AM
I believe that FS is USB1 and HS is USB2. I have FS running in my project but can't seem to get HS running.I can run this ST sample on the f4 discovery board: I have to change the define of PLL_M from 25 to 8 in system_stm32f4xx.c to run on this board.Then, if I just select the STM324xG-EVAL_USBD-FS workspace and run, I get ST Microelectronics Virtual COM Port appear in my device list, and it works fine with my PC app. But if I change the workspace to STM324xG-EVAL_USBD-HS and run, I don't get a com port appear in the device list.Why can't I use HS? Just a thought, is it anything to do with hardware config, pullup resistors??Thanks2013-05-30 4:12 AM
Why can't I use HS? Just a thought, is it anything to do with hardware config, pullup resistors??
Like an External PHY? Have you reviewed the respective schematics?2013-05-30 4:38 AM
Olimex has a dual USB FS implementation, you will need to change the project DEFINES and PIN ASSIGNMENTS to reflect the board configuration.
2013-05-30 6:50 AM
OK, looking at the olimex, it seems the f4 has a set of pins for FS (mostly on port A) and a set of pins for HS (mostly on port B), so basically, I can't change the discovery board to HS without doing some microsurgery on the board to swap over to the HS pins - but if I do, it will just work in HS and (backward compatible) FS, without any external hardware. Makes you wonder why they didn't use the HS pins on the discovery?
Am I understanding this correctly?Cheers, Ian2013-05-30 7:41 AM
HS operation requires an External PHY, the STM3240G-EVAL is a more feature rich and expensive board. It has said PHY.
That most mezzanine solutions for the F4-DISCOVERY don't support HS, I'll assume the PHY is not routable, or otherwise conflicts with existing HW on the board. Want to do HS, look at getting the EVAL board, or one of the WaveShare offerings.2013-05-30 8:45 AM
Ok, I understand, the STM3240G-EVAL uses the ISP1705AET chip.
Thanks for the explanations. I wanted to look at HS to increase message throughput, but I think my message rate which seems to be about 200 / second both ways might be more due to usb polling? Is there any way to change this rate?Thanks2013-05-30 8:55 AM
I'm not that into USB. I use it for VCP/CDC and MSC. The Mass Storage Controller code on the F4-DISCOVERY works with MicroSDHC cards with a throughput of 600-700 KBps as I recall.
2013-05-30 9:04 AM
I can find a STM32xxG-EVAL for about $200, not sure if it's the F2 or F4 version
The RedDragon 407 ($95) would appear to have a HS USB, but can't pin down a schematic. Will inquire with vendor.http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/RedDragon407-STM32F4-Cortex-M4/217299_817206651.html
Looks to use SMCS 3300http://www.smsc.com/main/catalog/usb3300.html