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How to use DMA control GPIO in STM32H750 series?

Associate II

OK, I am using STM32H750BV, I have a driver that needs very critical timing control,

so I want to use DMA trigger by timer, transfer memory data to GPIO BSRR register, let GPIO can according to time pass to generate the signal,

but most of all references on the internet is using DMA control SPI or UART, so I wonder how to use DMA( memory to peripheral ) to control GPIO, 


I believe this has been covered before

Would suggest looking at the bus matrix diagrams

The GPIO are off AHB4, so use the D3 Domain, with the BDMA unit moving data from SRAM4 into the GPIO's

Pick a TIM trigger source for the BDMA channel

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Associate II

Anyone could share an example please? Thanks!