2021-05-27 11:06 AM
Am using an Stm32f103c8 microcontroller, initially i configured 1 single ADC pin and measured temperature from the thermistor using (PollForConversion) which worked perfectly. Then I configured 5 ADC Pins to measure the temperature again and Current from 4 lithium Battery cells using (PollForConversion) but this time it doesn't work my intention is to Configure 9 ADC pins to measure single temperature, 4 channels to measure Current, and 4 channels to measure Voltage. Please someone should help me out, to get know how to use ADC Multi channels either using PollForconversion or DMA (But I don't to knew how to set up 9 ADC channels using DMA) the attached is the code that I used for 5 ADC channels using Pollforconversion but it doesn't work for me and I didn't know where was the problem. Please Help me out, thanks in advance.
2021-06-03 9:07 AM
Hello @YBell.1 ,
Have a look at this example, it may help you on your project.
2021-06-03 9:39 AM