2020-06-16 2:16 PM
2020-06-16 6:44 PM
Can you describe what you're looking to do in more detail? You cannot sample multiple channels simultaneously with the same ADC.
2020-06-17 7:14 AM
Synchronous clock mode is when ADC clock is derived from the system clock (AHB clock). STM32CubeMX don't allows to select Synchronous clock mode, I want to know why?
I tried to configure ADC at register level with:
using H7 rev V.
AHB clock = 200MHZ
CKMODE = 0x02
ADC_CLK_INPUT = HCLK/2 = 100MHZ, rev V divide the clock by 2, => Fadc_ker_ck = 50MHZ.
With this configuration, the ADC2 fails to calibrate.
If I do:
ADC clock from PLL2P = 200MHZ
ADC12_COMMON->CCR.CKMODE = 0x00; (asynchronous clock mode)
ADC2 calibrate and works correctly for the same clock input.
I'm trying to configure the ADC to Synchronous clock mode using the STM32CubeMX to compare the generated code with my register level configuration code.