2021-05-04 10:28 AM
I have two signals, one I would like to output for the first 950 ms of every second and then a second signal that I would like to output at a variable start time of each second. I included my code (the delay function does not work) for reference if that helps.
2021-05-04 11:56 AM
Draw a timing diagram, showing the expected waveforms, indicating the fixed and variable parameters.
2021-05-04 1:16 PM
Working off this diagram, what I want fixed is the Trig Pulser which is outputting a 10 kHz signal for the first 38/40 of a second. Then the variable parameter is Trig Laser which I want to output a 445 microsecond pulse twice per second 25 ms apart at varying times in the last 2/40 of the second. In my code, I am using a master clock in Timer15 with Trig Pulser as TIM1 and Trig Laser as TIM8.
2021-05-04 1:50 PM
Create one timer which does the 0.445/25 duty cycle and 25ms period, and then drive it in gated mode using a master timer which has a 2/40 duty cycle and 1s period.
2021-05-04 2:04 PM
So I have that already, the problem is the signal starts at the 0 seconds and triggers every second on the second. I was hoping to have the signal trigger twice at say 955ms and then twice again at 1964ms. Does that make sense?
2021-05-04 2:33 PM
2021-05-05 12:05 AM
Is there a diagram I don't see?
2021-05-05 7:55 AM
(Near?) Duplicate:
2021-05-05 10:10 AM
What would the command be to do this?