2012-06-23 11:56 AM
i have the project from IAR Embedded workbench when i try to compile it size code exceed,, i am using only code size limited.this project have lot of function like LCD, Temp sensor, USART, ect..now i am just trying to use only USART and CAN function..so how i can remove those unwanted function from that project.Thanks.....2012-06-23 2:47 PM
Edit the files to remove the unused/unwanted functions?
(or disable them with #if) If complete files are unused, remove them from the project?2012-06-23 3:30 PM
thanks for your reply..
i remove some file which i dont want to use then i got likeError[Li005]: no definition for ''Stepper_Motor_Test'' [referenced from C:\Documents and Settings\RAJ\Desktop\ST\STM32F10x\IAR-STM32F107VC-SK\Test_Demo\project\EWARMv5\STM32F107VCT6\Obj\menu.o] i got some of the error like this what i can do for such error.2012-06-23 4:48 PM
Remove calls to functions and files you have removed.
Alternatively start a new project and just copy in the functionality you want/need. The firmware library contains template projects which are empty, copy these to new directories.