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How to receive data by using SPI communication ?

Associate II

I use the STM32Lo538 disco board, and this board is connected to one sensor. Moreover, the protocol of this sensor is SPI. I faced difficulties receiving the data from the sensor. When I watched the waveform of this sensor, I noticed that the CS pin was driven from high to low, but data was not received by the master. Furthermore, I checked every possible condition, but still, data is not received by the master. However, I also tried the NSS pin, but this time I am only able to read one register and cannot read another register. What should I do?


void max30001_cs_pin_reset(){


GPIO_PIN_RESET); // Set chip select low

// HAL_GPIO_WritePin(BSP_MAX30001_CS_PIN_GPIO_Port, BSP_MAX30001_CS_PIN_Pin,

// GPIO_PIN_RESET); // Set chip select low


void max30001_cs_pin_set() {


GPIO_PIN_SET); // Set chip select high

// HAL_GPIO_WritePin(BSP_MAX30001_CS_PIN_GPIO_Port, BSP_MAX30001_CS_PIN_Pin,

// GPIO_PIN_SET); // Set chip select high


int32_t BSP_SPI1_Read(uint8_t *tx_buff, uint16_t tx_size, uint8_t *rx_buff,

uint16_t rx_size) {

HAL_StatusTypeDef ret = HAL_ERROR;



ret = HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(&hspi1, tx_buff, rx_buff, rx_size, 500);

if (ret == HAL_OK) {



return ret;


return ret;


int32_t BSP_SPI1_write(uint8_t *tx_buff, uint16_t tx_size, uint8_t *rx_buff,

uint16_t rx_size) {

HAL_StatusTypeDef ret = HAL_ERROR;



ret = HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi1, tx_buff, tx_size, 100);

if (ret == HAL_OK) {



return ret;


return ret;



Do you see SCK toggling when oscilloscope probing?

Does the number of clock pulse match the number of data bits transferred? Is the slave working in SPI 4 or 3 wires SPI mode ?

Yes, the number of clock pulses matches the number of data bits transferred , but sometimes not all the times .

slave is working in SPI 4 wire. My slave is the MAX30001 sensor, and this sensor is connected to the STM32 with the level shifter and buck converter because this sensor requires 1.8 volts.

figure , which is mentioned below has some change D3 line is basically MOSI and D1 line is CLK

can I use HAL_SPI_Deint() , while using NSS pin ?


As you use SPI 4 wires, it is better to consider that using SPI_TransmitReceive() function.

Extra dummy TX data to get all the needed clock bits (for reading), and RX buffer should be as big as TX buffer. If the transaction is 2 bytes to send and 8 bytes to read, make 2 buffers of 10+ bytes and use both buffer in the TransmitReceive function.

NSS is a pure GPIO not related to SPI, controlled by SW, in master mode (at least the way I use it).

so I use CS pin now instead of NSS pin ?

I tried to control NSS pin by using SW but It is not controlled

can you please give me idea how to do this thing ?