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How to Read & write application code with comments STM32.

parth kothiya

I want to read and write application code with comments in STM32 MCU flash or external memory.

When I read flash from STM32 MCU I want comments also present there​ in code.

How can I do this? It is possible with MCUs ​inbuilt memory or need external memory?


>>It is possible with MCUs ​inbuilt memory or need external memory?

Wouldn't that really depend on how much space your "code + comments" consume.

Is this some interpreted source code?

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we can assume (code + comments ) > MCU flash size then how it is possible?

ST has parts with 2MB of internal flash.

Most could take external SPI, and QuadSPI NOR Flash, so 16MB​ up 128MB readily available.

For GB look to SD cards or eMMC chips using NAND Flash.​

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What is the compiler ​settings for this so it's donot remove comments?

Is there any example project of external QSPI memory interface with STM32​?