2014-04-24 11:27 PM
stm32f429-DISCO board have 8MB of on chip SDRAM module.I want to interface SDRAM chip to microcontroller.I finished the initilization part.Now I wish to write and read data from it.
8MB SDRAM memory was organized as 4 internal banks 1MB each.How i write/read to total 8MB with Single write/read command to SDRAM instead of individual internal bank Access.Thank you #whiskey-tango-foxtrot2014-05-19 6:14 AM
good evening
I have a basic doubt regarding SPI protocalSTM32f407 has 3 SPI's STM32f429 has 6 SPI'sI am unable to analize the how many slaves can be connected to controller in both of above cases.Many of saying that using SPI we can connect any number of slaves.How it is possible?IF one SPI can interface any number of slaves then what is the need of providing 3SPI's or 6SPI's .I am a fresher.first time working on this protocalCan you provide any information regarding this?Thanks2014-07-19 4:53 AM
good evening
Interfacing SDRAM memory to stm32f429I configured the all things properly.BUT i am unable to write to the memory base address 0xD0000000How i would test whether the clock is supplied or not to external SDRAM chip.expecting any solution to my problemthank you2014-07-19 6:40 AM
Does it work with the standard library code, and configured for your SDRAM device?
I searched on some of your defines and got nowhere, who wrote that? Are you using Bank2 or Bank1 in your design? How about a schematic? Set up the code to access the SDRAM in a loop, and use an OSCILLOSCOPE, you will be particularly interested in the Clock, RAS, CAS pins2014-09-06 12:19 PM
I'm not able to get this example to work for the amount of memory that should be available in SDRAM (8MB or 0x800000). In fact, the maximum I seem to be able to get is 2MB, adding 1 word (4 bytes) beyond that makes it so that the values read from sdram are not the same as those that were written. Please refer to the code here: and navigate to src/main.c to see what I mean. Let me know if you can see what is wrong. Thanks.2014-09-06 4:40 PM
Sounds like you've not got the BANK pins of the the SDRAM setup correctly. I'd wade through your code, but none of the pin stuff is commented.
PG4 BA0 PG5 BA12014-09-08 10:33 PM
Hey thanks, that fixed the problem. This is adapted from the STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.1.0/Projects/STM32F429I-Discovery/Examples/FMC/FMC_SDRAM/Src/stm32f4xx_hal_msp.c example. It seems the documentation at the top of the file is incomplete, because they forget to list PG4,5 among all the other pins they say to connect, but do indeed set them up in the actual code.