2020-07-16 3:36 AM
I followed the step on the following video without the configuration of SD card. (I don't need it)
Whenever transmitting 10 characters, the program broke bown on 11-th character as below:
So how should I modify the code to "printf" correctly?
I tried the code on NUCLEO-F746ZG, it did very well.
2020-07-16 4:35 AM
Do you use Keil uVision?
2020-07-16 4:45 AM
Don't see data loss here, plumbing is pretty simple, need to furnish a character output function.
Not aware of any 10 character limitations, you'll need to chase it to ground using usual debugging techniques.
2020-07-16 6:00 PM
2020-07-16 6:26 PM
Okay, I will use debugger to find out the source of the problem.
2020-07-16 7:43 PM
My problem is solved.
When create a new stm32 project on STM32CubeIDE, and ask user whether initialize all peripherals with their default mode? Click "No".