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How to obtain manufacturing information on STM32F103?

Peter Kietzmann
Associate II

Dear all,

is there a way to get manufacturing information from these chips? Like production date, batch, ..., something else ?

Looking forward to your ideas!




There's a 96-bit unique number, that supposedly includes wafer number, die number/site, batch etc. Not sure I've seen a complete magic decoder ring.

The marking top-side can get you a year/week at the packaging site, you can determine that site, and also the diffusion site of the die.

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Associate III

Every STM32 controller has a unique id which is 96bit long it includes wafer number and batch number, just have a look into the datasheet. You can us LL_GetUID_Wordx functions to read it, if you use STM's driver.

Peter Kietzmann
Associate II

Many thanks for your fast responses! RM0091 (STM32F0x1) describes the structure of a 96-bit unique ID which consists of the lot number, wafer number, and wafer coordinates. RM0377 (STM32L0x1) describes a different structure. RM0008 (STM32F103xx) has a 96-bit unique ID too, however, nothing is mentioned these kind of details. So I'm wondering, does anyone have experience with the F1 in particular?



Peter Kietzmann
Associate II

Unfortunately, I do not have physical access to the devices that I am working with; no chance to check the packaging. Some IDs that I am reading look like this:






-> many similarities which somehow suggests a common production line, but I couldn't find a reasonable decoding scheme yet. Seems familiar to anyone?

You'd likely want to talk to an FAE

There's also info in the ROM/OTP about the loader version number, and flash size tested.

I guess if you're digging at this you probably have some behaviour you're trying to attribute to the STM32 in the circuit. I'd probably focus on the power and discretes..

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As @Community member​ said, you'll likely need to go direct to ST or your FAE for specific details of unpublished info like this.
