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How to move interrupt vector from FLASH to SRAM when using stm32L476?


I want my interrupt handler to run in SRAM since some people seem to claim it is a more predictable solution then flash.

I copied my interrupt handler to SRAM using

__attribute__ ((long_call, section (".RamFunc")))  

I tested the interrupt by toggling a pin in the interrupt


Since the interrupt is triggered at a frequency of 2MHZ I expect to measure a stable 2 MHZ signal at the output of the scope. There was however a lot of jitter in the result.

I figured placing the interrupt vector in SRAM might solve this problem. The steps I have taken to realize this are:

Updating the linker file

  .isr_vectorRAM :
    . = ALIGN(4);
    KEEP(*(.isr_vectorRAM)) /* Startup code */
    . = ALIGN(4);
  } >RAM

Changing the startup file to place Interrupt vector in SRAM using previous linker code

	 .section	.isr_vectorRAM,"a",%progbits
	.type	g_pfnVectorsRAM, %object
`.size	g_pfnVectorsRAM, .-g_pfnVectorsRAM
.word	_estack
	.word	Reset_Handler
	.word	NMI_Handler
	.word	HardFault_Handler
	.word	MemManage_Handler
	.word	BusFault_Handler

Changing VTOR register to vector table address in ram:

#define VECT_TAB_BASE_ADDRESS   SRAM1_BASE      /*!< Vector Table base address field.
                                                     This value must be a multiple of 0x200. */
#define VECT_TAB_OFFSET         0x00000000U 

I verified using build analyzer that the vector table is placed in RAM but the interrupt handler now isn't called anymore since i am not seeing any pulses on the scope.

I have a couple questions about my problem and I was wondering if someone might be able to answer them:

  • Is an interrupt running in RAM more predictable then FLASH?
  • What is the influence of placing the vector table in RAM instead of FLASH?
  • What steps need to be taken to place the interrupt vector in flash since my own solution does not seem to be working.?

2MHz is the problem here, find another way of doing this.

D​epending on overall burden/cost of handler, perhaps a few hundred KHz.

F​or vectors memcpy() to new location with 512 byte alignment, and set SCB->VTOR

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Pavel A.
Evangelist III
.isr_vectorRAM :
    . = ALIGN(4);

ALIGN(4) is not enough for vectors.