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How to migrate a project built on STM32F0 platform using Standard Peripheral Library to STM32G0?

Associate III

I had built a project using the device STM32F030C8T6 with the help of Standard Peripheral Libraries (SPL). However, I would like to migrate to the newer series of STM32G0, using the device STM32G030C8T6. But, I found that there are no SPL libraries for this new series, so that I could easily migrate my code as well. Is there any other alternative other than using HAL libraries and CubeMx software? I have already referred the migration application note, but found no support for software library packages.

Lead III

Considering the general state of Cube/HAL, you have the option of accessing the STM32G0 peripheral registers directly.

While it seems at first more work then a sunny-day-scenario Cube/HAL implementation, it is manageable, and by far not as wayward.

SPL support has stopped long ago, unfortunately. Long before the arrival of the G0 devices.


I am also looking for standard peripheral library for STM32G0 series to migrate my code from STM32F0 series. Unfortunately, I could not find SPL here.

any help would be highly appreciated.