2018-06-03 10:48 PM
How to measure the MCU power consumption
When entering the stop mode, how to measure the power consumption?
Thanks#mooc #stm32l4 #stop-mode2018-06-03 11:54 PM
If you are using any of ST boards (Nucleo, Discovery) there is always a dedicated jumper marked usually 'Idd' where you can connect your meter and measure current consumption.
There is as well quite nice dedicated board (
) which allows you to measure current consumption and your application power profile.#stop-mode
mode means that all high speed clocks are switched off. Only low speed external clock can be active (if RTC is configured), thus to measure the power consumption the best is to measure surrent consumption on Vdd line of the MCU (as Vdd and Vdda should be on the same level in most of STM32).Please remember that STOP mode is not modifying your IO lines states, so to limit current consumption please perform any IO lines reconfiguration (the best is to use analog mode) to limit current consumption.
What I would like to recommend to you is to have a look at one of our free
trainings where we are demonstrating each of low power modes (on STM32L4 example). You can see a bit more about this sessionhttp://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/about/events/events.html/ultra-low-power-stm32-extras-mooc.html
.The session is active on our learning portal
(requires free registration by postingmailto:mooc.registration@st.com
).Another option could be a lecture of one of our dedicated application notes (i.e. for
lines we have or ).Hope it helps.
Best Regards,
2018-06-04 12:22 AM
The best would be to measure current consumption at one point Vcc3V3. If not possible sum of all mentioned currents will give you an answer.
Best Regards.
2018-06-04 2:10 AM
VCC3V3 connects to the following vdd pins
VDD1VDD2VDD3VDDAVDDIO2to measure the mcu power consumption,
I need to measure all Idd between VCC3V3-VDD1, VCC3V3-DVV2, VCC3V3-VDD3, VCC3V3-VDDA, VCC3V3-DVVIO2, then sum up the current?Thanks