2022-05-17 1:12 PM
I'm curious if there is any way how to load correctly linked elf file into the SDRAM of st32h757i-eval board. By correctly linked elf I mean everything is either linked into SDRAM or to some of the SRAMs. E.g. readelf -S of the elf looks:
There are 35 section headers, starting at offset 0x267c24:
Section Headers:
[Nr] Name Type Addr Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al
[ 0] NULL 00000000 000000 000000 00 0 0 0
[ 1] .start PROGBITS d0000000 010000 000458 00 AX 0 0 4
[ 2] .xbarrier PROGBITS d0000458 038698 000000 00 W 0 0 1
[ 3] .text PROGBITS d0000480 010480 010db8 00 AX 0 0 64
[ 4] .init PROGBITS d0011238 021238 00000c 00 AX 0 0 4
[ 5] .fini PROGBITS d0011244 021244 00edbc 00 AX 0 0 4
[ 6] .robarrier PROGBITS d0020000 038698 000000 00 W 0 0 1
[ 7] .rodata PROGBITS d0020000 030000 0040ed 00 A 0 0 8
[ 8] .ARM.exidx ARM_EXIDX d00240f0 0340f0 000008 00 AL 3 0 4
[ 9] .eh_frame PROGBITS d00240f8 0340f8 000004 00 A 0 0 4
[10] .init_array INIT_ARRAY d00240fc 0340fc 000004 04 WA 0 0 4
[11] .fini_array FINI_ARRAY d0024100 034100 000004 04 WA 0 0 4
[12] .rtemsroset PROGBITS d0024104 034104 003efc 00 A 0 0 4
[13] .rwbarrier PROGBITS d0028000 038698 000000 00 W 0 0 1
[14] .vector PROGBITS d0028000 038698 000000 00 W 0 0 1
[15] .data PROGBITS d0028000 038000 000698 00 WA 0 0 8
[16] .bss NOBITS d00286a0 038698 00209c 00 WA 0 0 32
[17] .rtemsstack NOBITS 24000000 010000 002008 00 WA 0 0 32
[18] .work NOBITS d002a73c 038698 1fd58c4 00 WA 0 0 1
[19] .stack NOBITS 24002008 010000 07dff8 00 WA 0 0 1
[20] .nocachenoload NOBITS 30020000 010000 020000 00 WA 0 0 1
[21] .comment PROGBITS 00000000 038698 000063 01 MS 0 0 1
[22] .debug_aranges PROGBITS 00000000 038700 003810 00 0 0 8
[23] .debug_info PROGBITS 00000000 03bf10 13c79e 00 0 0 1
[24] .debug_abbrev PROGBITS 00000000 1786ae 02b84f 00 0 0 1
[25] .debug_line PROGBITS 00000000 1a3efd 05b6e6 00 0 0 1
[26] .debug_frame PROGBITS 00000000 1ff5e4 006e70 00 0 0 4
[27] .debug_str PROGBITS 00000000 206454 0167c1 01 MS 0 0 1
[28] .debug_line_str PROGBITS 00000000 21cc15 00028f 01 MS 0 0 1
[29] .debug_loclists PROGBITS 00000000 21cea4 03350c 00 0 0 1
[30] .debug_rnglists PROGBITS 00000000 2503b0 006d79 00 0 0 1
[31] .ARM.attributes ARM_ATTRIBUTES 00000000 257129 00002e 00 0 0 1
[32] .symtab SYMTAB 00000000 257158 00a910 10 33 2011 4
[33] .strtab STRTAB 00000000 261a68 006054 00 0 0 1
[34] .shstrtab STRTAB 00000000 267abc 000166 00 0 0 1
Key to Flags:
W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings), I (info),
L (link order), O (extra OS processing required), G (group), T (TLS),
C (compressed), x (unknown), o (OS specific), E (exclude),
D (mbind), y (purecode), p (processor specific)
Unfortunately gdb connected to ST-Link gdb server is not able to load even the first section. I'm starting ST-Link gdb server with available external loader with:
./ST-LINK_gdbserver -c config.txt --external-init --extload MT25TL01G_STM32H747I-EVAL.stldr
where config.txt is nearly vanilla config file which I just edited to correctly specify path to cube programmer. I've also enabled maximal debug there so debug.log contains following interesting info:
[0.008] openDevice(): COM frequency = 24000 kHz
[0.008] openDevice(): Target connection mode: Default
[0.510] readFromTarget(): Reading ROM table for AP 0 @0xe00fefd0
[0.511] reset_hw_wtchpt_module(): Hardware watchpoint supported by the target
[0.513] initContext(): ST-LINK Firmware version : V3J9M3
[0.513] initContext(): Device ID: 0x450
[0.513] initContext(): PC: 0xfffffffe
[0.514] Device_GetStatus(): ST-LINK device status: HALT_MODE
[0.514] initContext(): ST-LINK detects target voltage = 3.29 V
[0.514] initContext(): ST-LINK device status: HALT_MODE
[0.514] initExternalMemory(): Found external memory initializer at 0x240004e1
[0.514] initExternalMemory(): Writing external memory initializer seg at 0x24000004 (36736 byte)
[0.551] initExternalMemory(): lastAddr = 0x24009080
[0.551] initExternalMemory(): Writing external memory initializer seg at 0x24008f84 (200 byte)
[0.551] initExternalMemory(): lastAddr = 0x2400904c
[0.553] initExternalMemory(): PC: 0x240004e1
[0.553] initExternalMemory(): MSP: 0x24009440
[0.553] initExternalMemory(): LR: 0x2400904c
[0.553] initExternalMemory(): Run external memory initializer
[0.554] Device_GetStatus(): ST-LINK device status: RUN_MODE
[0.554] initExternalMemory(): PC: 0x2400904c; ret: 0
[0.554] initExternalMemory(): Restore after external memory initializer
[0.555] initServerContext(): ST-LINK device initialization OK
[0.555] pollAndNotifyRun(): Stm32Device, pollAndNotify running...
[0.555] Device_GetStatus(): ST-LINK device status: HALT_MODE
[0.556] updateState(): SwvSrv state change: 0 -> 1
[0.556] WaitConnection(): Waiting for connection on port 61235...
[0.556] WaitConnection(): Waiting for connection on port 61234...
[13.980] WaitConnection(): Accepted connection on port 61234...
[13.980] WaitConnection(): Waiting for connection on port 61234...
[13.980] run(): GDB session thread running
so it looks like some external memory is really being initialized. The debug output also contained something which looked as XML memory map dump, so I've also used --memory-map on reported 0x450 device and to my surprise it prints this:
$ ./ST-LINK_gdbserver -c config.txt --memory-map 0x450
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE memory-map
PUBLIC "+//IDN gnu.org//DTD GDB Memory Map V1.0//EN"
<memory type="ram" start="0x0" length="0x8000000"/>
<memory type="flash" start="0x8000000" length="0x200000">
<property name="blocksize">0x400</property>
<memory type="ram" start="0x8200000" length="0xf7dfffff"/>
Honestly this looks completely wrong except the flash parameters. Not sure how gdb or ST-Link gdb server is using that. If they are to enforce memory map on loaded elf, then it would be no wonder this completely fails.
Any help or advice how to use gdb server to load directly into board SDRAM is highly appreciated!
Solved! Go to Solution.
2022-05-17 1:59 PM
Typically you'd need a debugger script capable of bringing up the SDRAM, ie clocks, pins, FMC, and SDRAM itself. Then the SDRAM would load/act like Internal SRAM, and the JTAG/SWD could fill directly
Basically a peek/poke equivalent to code on the STM32 side to initialize the SDRAM.
Could perhaps also do via an External Loader model, or you own loader that brings up memory, clocks, etc then accepts a .HEX via the console.
.ELF really wants random-access file system, where as a .BIN or .HEX can be delivered in a linear end-to-end fashion.
2022-05-17 1:59 PM
Typically you'd need a debugger script capable of bringing up the SDRAM, ie clocks, pins, FMC, and SDRAM itself. Then the SDRAM would load/act like Internal SRAM, and the JTAG/SWD could fill directly
Basically a peek/poke equivalent to code on the STM32 side to initialize the SDRAM.
Could perhaps also do via an External Loader model, or you own loader that brings up memory, clocks, etc then accepts a .HEX via the console.
.ELF really wants random-access file system, where as a .BIN or .HEX can be delivered in a linear end-to-end fashion.
2022-05-17 10:45 PM
Thanks a lot for fast reply. Indeed my question was in a realm of "is it supported by the tool chain right out of the box or not?". That's for fastly confirming that it's not and some work needs to be done!