2022-10-10 01:51 AM
How to give the STM32L4 series LPTIM1 timer an initial value,It seems the register address is closed to the public
2022-10-10 02:04 AM
LPTIM_CNT is a read-only register, so you can't write. Tell us what you intend to do by writing to the register.
2022-10-10 02:17 AM
Can this register be accessed like a general purpose register? I want to use the encoder function of this register, but I want its initial value to start counting not from 0, but from the value I set
2022-10-10 02:18 AM
Can this register be accessed like a general purpose register? I want to use the encoder function of this register, but I want its initial value to start counting not from 0, but from the value I set
2022-10-10 03:36 AM
Is it in the manual? help!!!!!
2022-10-10 06:02 AM
Simple add an offset after read out. You can read out LPTIM_CNT like any other register.