2018-01-24 5:00 PM
Hi I'm new with stm32, I bought an stm32f0discovery but I can't work with it I wanna get help or some tutorial please.
2018-01-25 2:39 PM
Thanks, actually I find it more difficult especially the F0 Discovery. But I'm gonna try
2018-01-25 3:57 PM
You find what 'more difficult'?
And, 'more difficult' - than what?
2018-01-25 9:13 PM
Yes, it does not have the Arduino connector, but connections can be made with wires, maybe via a breadboard... If you wanted Ardunio connectivity, you should have bought a Nucleo board
2018-01-25 11:58 PM
You mentioned ESP8266 - the cheapest modules have non-arduino connectors so you need to wire them using a few cables. Arduino connector won't help here too much.
The pins can be easily identified - use CubeMX to allocate resources (UART + GPIO in this case). To handle UART you need only two functions: HAL_UART_Transmit / HAL_UART_Receive. GPIO is handles similarly. You spend most of the time on ESP8266 module because the STM32 part in really simple here.
2018-01-26 3:09 PM
STM32 needs some skill in C and C++ more and more then arduino specially the avr. I find it a bit difficult to start with. and I didn't find a lot of projects with codes for stm32f0 like Nucleo or F4. But for sure I will find a way as always.
2018-01-26 3:14 PM
As you know the beginning is always the hardest part and I'm an electronics engineering student, so I'm not skilled in programming, and Arduino avr is not as arm ones.
2018-01-26 3:24 PM
Study books/datasheets, do experiments to verify what you have learned, ask for feedback / advise. I work this way.
2018-01-29 2:28 AM
You don't need both C and C++.
For widest support, stick to just C
2018-01-29 2:34 AM
The whole point of being a student is to study - the clue is in the name!
It has been said that the sign of a good education is not what you know, but what you know how to find out.
Your first focus should be to keep up with your classes, lectures, reading, study and assignments - these will equip you with the skills needed to be able handle this stuff.
Don't try to run ahead, or off on a tangent. before you've thoroughly covered the basics.
2018-01-29 4:22 AM
The answer to your question generally requires more information about your skills and your difficulties than you are willing to provide.
With that said, I did a series of 'getting started with ...' On stm32 and other chips / tools. While the details vary, the gist is the same.
Also, there is a stm32 port of the Arduino, and I had a (few) generic port of Arduino to stm32, including the f0 chip.
I can post a link later. Or you can search 'xduino' on GitHub.