2021-10-06 4:26 AM
2021-10-06 4:37 AM
Perhaps by running at 75 MHz and dividing that by three, using TIM or MCO
2021-10-06 4:55 AM
in have to generate this 25Mhz from GPIO of it
i was using this formula to calculate the timing parameters:
(PSC+1)*(ARR+1) = TIMclk/requirefrequency
is it correct
2021-10-06 7:56 AM
Get a fast timer without prescaler and either 100 or 75 mhz timer, use output compare pin to generate your pulse(s).
2021-10-07 1:12 AM
first i was trying to generate 1mhz from 80mhz
max i was getting only 110 khz
i was using nucleo-64 l476rg timer 1
when i use prescaler as 0 and pulse as 40 i was getting 613.5 hz
when i use prescaler as 0 and pulse as 400 i was getting 100.613 khz
if there is any sample code available that would be great help
2021-10-07 1:45 AM
HAL/CubeL4 should be full of examples.
Yout can't interrupt at these rates, the TIM should be related to the GPIO used, and should Toggle or PWM the pin directly, not via software
2021-10-07 3:57 AM
How are you using your timer, PWM mode or using it to generate an interrupt that toggle the pin? Can you show the code you are using?