2014-04-03 10:42 AM
How to create a 2D array of size array[10000][10000]. I am getting the following error unable to allocate space for sections/blocks with a total estimated minimum size of 0x66d14 bytes in <[0x20000000-0x20020000]> (total uncommitted space .Thanks #stm32f2014-04-03 10:50 AM
No kidding, the part you're using doesn't have 100MB of space to give you.
2014-04-03 01:38 PM
Thanks Clive for the prompt reply.
One more Question how would I update the .DMA_BufferSize resistor as I update the PWM value by modifying the TIMx->CCRx resistor.Thanks Again.2014-04-03 01:54 PM
One more Question how would I update the .DMA_BufferSize resistor as I update the PWM value by modifying the TIMx->CCRx resistor.
I don't really understand the question, you can DMA_DeInit()/DMA_Init() to reconfigure a DMA transfer.2014-04-03 02:34 PM
''how would I update the .DMA_BufferSize resistor (sic) as I update the PWM value by modifying the TIMx->CCRx resistor (sic)''
I think you mean re
r?These are resistors:2014-04-03 02:37 PM
Sorry for the trouble, I figured that out.
Also one more thing I want to communicate to the terminal through USB, Do u have a sample code. I am using the STM32F4 discovery board.Thanks again...2014-04-03 03:39 PM
I did port the VCP example to the STM32F4-DISCO