2023-04-05 10:36 AM
I'm essentially trying to swap the RAM modules between the two cores on the STM32H755 so that all data in RAM used by the M7 is in SRAM1-3 and for the M4 is in AIXISRAM, but I'm observing some issues in startup behavior on the M4.
From my understanding of the manual and application notes: the M7 uses the AXISRAM by default (both in D1 domain) and M4 uses SRAM1-3 by default (all D2 domain), but either processor *should* be able to access either domain's RAM.
I have made the following set of incremental changes based on functional testing and guidance in Section 9.5.9 "General clock concept overview" from the manual:
1. Change: Updated linker files (M7 now uses SRAM starting at 0x10000000 and sized 288K for `.bss`, `.data`, and user heap; M4 uses RAM_D1 starting at 0x24000000 and sized 512K):
2. Change: Updated `SystemInit()` in system_stm32h7xx_dualcore_boot_cm4_cm7.c to enable AXISRAM access from M4 via RCC->AHB3ENR and SRAM1-3 access from M7 via RCC->AHB2ENR
/* AXISRAM block enable - Indicate that AXISRAM is allocated by the M4 */
/* SRAMx block enable - Indicate that the 3 SRAM Modules allocated by the M7 */
I'm now stuck - the M7 now executes `main()` but stalls and times out waiting for the M4 to enter stop mode and set `RCC_FLAG_D2CKRDY` to `RESET`.
It seems that the M4 application is not being started. I am able to load and start it via debugger after the initial programming, but I observe a sigtrap in the `Reset_Handler` when attempting to jump to the application's entrypoint (e.g. `main()`).
Is it possible to completely swap the RAM modules like this? What piece could I be missing?
What could be preventing the M4 from starting?
2023-04-05 11:34 AM
Is it even necessary? Aren't these things dual-ported?
Make sure the linker scripts don't use the same memory regions, so the system isn't conflicted about who gets to manage the content.
Make sure the initial stack is in a memory that's clocks are already enabled. You can move it elsewhere once the clocks are running.
2023-04-05 12:25 PM
I'm confident that there are no conflicts from my linker files, and I'm sure that clocks are enabled and running. It seems that you're confirming that this should be possible, so I would appreciate any insight from the ST community on what could preventing the M4 from starting. I've edited my original post to improve clarity.
As I stated in my post, the M7 is definitely starting but is getting hung waiting for the M4 to start and enter stop mode. Something is preventing the M4 Reset_Handler from starting `main()`, but I'm not sure what. This is what I'm seeking help/input in resolving.
2023-04-19 7:02 AM
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