2013-06-30 09:27 PM
I'm developing an embedded application using Keil MicroVision 4 & STM32F103RE
I've splited Flash memory of device into two areas (IROM1 & IROM2) using IDE target options panel (Target tab, Read only memory areas section) & also setted IROM2 as default & startup, but seems the program does NOT run from specified address. Should I do anything more than told configurations to start running program from an address rather than FLASH_BASE (0x08000000 in my case)? #stm32-boot-flash-start-address2013-07-01 03:12 AM
You can't change the processor boot address in that fashion, you'll have to have code situated where it normally boots (ie Boot Loader at 0x08000000) which then transfers control to your new address.