2017-04-18 7:20 AM
I bought a board STM32F407 Disc1.
I wanted to try the example
'Audio_playback_and_record'. But there is not a project for System Workbench for STM32.I opened project in Atollic directory, but I get many errors in System Workbench for STM32.
Does ST
plan to generate example projects for System Workbench for STM32 for this board ?
Is there any way to import these examples into System Workbench for STM32 ?
2017-04-18 7:50 AM
,Cube firmware packages integrate SW4STM32 demonstration.
You can select the example suitable for you as this one within STM32CubeF4 v1.0 firmware package:
To open an existing project with SW4STM32 you should follow this steps below:
• Open SW4STM
•select '
File' >> Import •Highlight '
Existing Projects into workspace'and click 'Next'
• Click on “Browse�? for the root directory • The projects list is refreshed (select then your project) • Ensure the option Copy projects into workspace is unchecked • Then click Finish.Hope this bring you some help.
2017-04-18 8:03 AM
It is highly improbable that SPL examples will be ported to new platforms.
2017-04-19 2:34 AM
Hi Imen,
Your answer was very helpful for me. Now I know that examples for my board are located in two different places.
- exapmles for StdLib: in en.stsw-stm32068.zip
- examples for HAL_Lib: in STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.15.0 ( importable directly into System Workbench for STM32 )The 'HAL_example' Audio_playback_and_record is a bit different than the 'StdLib_example'.
There is missing audio playback from flash memory. Just this function I need to try.Nevertheless, thank you for your help.
Peter2017-05-17 10:24 AM
Imen D wrote:
• Ensure the option Copy projects into workspace is unchecked
- WHY ???Surely, that is exactly the option you
want to check?!?!You do want to be able to take a copy of the example to mess about with - but retain the original to go back to if it all goes wrong. Or if you just want to start afresh with some different experiments.
But checking the 'copy' option does not work - it creates the folder structure in the Workspace, but does not populate it with any files.