2020-03-16 12:54 PM
I am working on stm32f105r8t6 microcontroller. I need the pinout for this one. The data sheet that I found for this microcontroller doesn't show any of the pins that I need to program this microcontroller. It also doesn't show the RX/TX pins. Where can I find that? I want to generate a CAN Bus signal continuously at a rate of 250 kBits/s. I already have the CAN signals in hex that I want to generate. How would I program this microcontroller to generate those hex signals through the CAN Bus. I also have a STM32 Discovery board. Is it possible to generate a hex CAN signal through this board and its microcontroller.
2020-03-16 1:44 PM
Datasheet should have a comprehensive pin list.
For minimal JTAG/SWD use PA13, PA14 and NRST.
Review app note AN2606 for system loader options and pins.
Pull BOOT0 low for normal operation, be able to pull or drive high to get the system loader running.
2020-03-16 1:48 PM
Hex CAN signals are unique, you'll have to determine how they translate in to CAN messages and packets.
Search CAN RX/TX pins in the DataSheet, couple of options as I recall.