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how can i solve the problem that" cannot access the target shutting down debugging session"



       I am using cortex M microcontroller, working with STM32F051 microcontroller on discovery kit. IDE- Keil. I am trying to do a project using ADC. I have assigned one pin as ADC using an industrial accelerometer. when I am trying to operate the accelerometer and note the readings of it while debugging i am getting an error that." cannot access target shutting down debugging session". But when I am trying to operate the same pin with variable resistor( potentiometer) it works!!!. How can I solve this problem? 

One thing I would like to mention is, when ever I am making any movement it can be traced in multimeter but I cannot able to access in keil





Going into Low Power state is a frequent problem. ie WFI in idle/wait loop

Interfering with the SWDIO/SWCLK GPIO pins. ie GPIOA PA13/PA14

DBGMCU settings


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>>Could you elaborate your answer to the question cannot access the target. You are saying I will have to use SCLK? or use an external oscillator instead of inbuilt oscillator ?

No, I'm saying that if the interface to SWDIO/SWCLK powers down or the pin configuration is messed with connection to the device will be lost.

The alternative to using the debuggers SWD interface is to output telemetry via a USART.

Make sure you moving the system about isn't cause a power issue, or loss of continuity, and causing the core to reset.

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