2019-08-21 3:11 AM
2019-08-21 3:26 AM
I would start with reviewing the many similar / identical requests here on this forum.
2019-08-21 3:33 AM
Thanks for replying! Yeah please suggest some solution for this problem.
2019-08-21 3:36 AM
> Yeah please suggest some solution for this problem.
Do your basic research yourself first, and return with a tangible question.
2019-08-21 3:58 AM
I have searched quite a lot online . Actually I have habit of working on Arduino and ESP8266 NODE MCU and the problem which I am asking here is because I have just switched to STM boards and I am a newbie in this, upon searching online for a solution to connect STM board with RS485 Modbus drives , I did not get any solution. Kindly help me in this ..
2019-08-21 5:37 AM
I think you have already found another thread here already, where a user published some of his code.
Apart from that, there are no STM32 specific libs I'm aware of. Modbus is not a use case of special interest for ST.
I'm sure there are several implementations, but many are commercial and unwilling or unable to share. I once did one for a x86 embedded platform in a commercial environment.
But several open source generic implementations on decoding Modbus requests/responses are available, a task which is mostly platform-agnostic. Just drop the STM32 focus.
The low-level driver is another question. Getting the 0,5 / 3,5 character timings right for a RTU implementation is not that trivial.
Some later variants supported a inter-character timer for UARTs, but if I remember correctly, the F40x has not.
2021-01-27 4:40 AM
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2021-01-27 4:46 AM
Do you honestly expect volunteers here to do every job for free ?
Wake up.
***Edited by moderation*** - please refrain from using derogatory language.
2021-01-27 4:53 AM
***Edited by moderation*** - please review the posting Ground Rules for this community. Personal attacks and inflammatory comments are strictly forbidden.