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High precision 1Hz resolution Timer on STM32F030K6T6

Associate II


I know that it is possible to cross series two timers to achieve high resolution one. In my case, 32bit resolution is enough. As a result, I would use TIM1 and TIM3 in STM32F030K6T6 to reach desired high resolution frequency generator. Unfortunately it is a little confusing for me to cascading these two timers for 100001Hz Frequency when MCU clock is working at 48MHz. Can anyone help me regarding configuring stm32cube for my purpose.

Thanks advanced.

Senior II

It can be made to work, if you for example allow jitter: i.e. accurate over the long term but not accurate at any given point.

Can you explain it more please. I think that it is possible to cascading two timer first one start by first one internal interrupt and second one also can start restart the first one both timer work as master and slave.

Principal III

As others have pointed out, it takes more than just 1..2 timers to do what you want. A DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis) method can be used. Suppose your target freq. is f=100001 Hz output as a 0/1 signal. If you would sample that signal with a sample rate of say 1 MHz, you get one million samples for every second. The sample sequence might start with 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 .... The length of the 0 resp. 1 runs will be most often 10 and rarely 9 (the jitter) because 100001 is slightly higher than 100000.

The DDS idea is to pre-calculate a sampling sequence for a given frequency and to output that sequence with a constant synthesizer frequency, 1 MHz in the example.

Output can be done using Timer-driven DMA. If the output is really 0 / 1, the DMA destination would be a GPIO port. One could also use a DAC to generate some (pseudo-)analog waveform (Wavetable Synthesis). The DMA is clocked by a timer to generate the output at the synthesizer clock rate.

The next issue is memory. Storing a full second of samples (which is required to achieve the 1Hz precision) costs a lot of memory and is not feasible in a small MCU.

The remedy is using circular or double-buffer DMA using smaller buffers and to pre-calculate the next batch of samples on-the-fly in an interrupt handler. The whole thing is a trade-off between memory space and interrupt frequency. If the MCU can reliably handle one interrupt per sample you dont even need DMA buffers at all, only a counter.

For audio frequencies, there is an impressive demo: