2025-02-17 4:27 PM
I noticed that for STM32L010F4 in stop mode (“HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_LOWPOWERREGULATOR_ON, PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI);”) the power consumption is around 330µA when the STLINK is connected to the MCU. When I disconnected the STLINK debugger wires, the power consumption dropped to the expected 0.6µA. Interestingly, the high power consumption happens even when the STLINK itself is disconnected from my computer (its USB cable unplugged), as long as it’s still connected to the MCU.
Is this expected?
2025-02-17 5:36 PM - edited 2025-02-17 5:36 PM
@nemtsov wrote:Is this expected?
You will get leakage currents into the ST-Link - or any other connected equipment.
For accurate current measurements, you must always remove all extraneous connections and leakage paths.
In particular, a debugger can prevent the core from actually sleeping at all.