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Hi Iam Manjunath I am beginer for stm controller using STM cube mx i declared the gpios and i am using keil uvision5 compiler .Now i need one more pin to declare an input how to declare ?

Manjunatha M

In STM32 I see in the clock when i declare gpio clock also selected. why we have to set that clock,what is the advantage


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Synchronous logic requires a clock to function, you can reduce power consumption by just enabling the clocks for sections of the design being utilized. ​

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Manjunatha M

How to declare GPIO PIN without using STMcube mx

Senior II

High manjunah thay a great question how are you today think your question is a really good one for stmicro engineers and management because they impact all uers tall and short alike if you wrie more I think oters can help you more or less I on't know if that is accurate hope this hels you get your questions ased and answered bst of luck. ​

The Reference Manual describes the part at the register level.

The HAL library should have an assortment of examples where pins are configured for an array of different use cases?


Buttons and LEDs at a board support level


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